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China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe performs in Stuttgart of Germany

来源:International Identities news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 16:54:17
(Xinhua) 14:06, December 29, 2023

Acrobat Wang Mengchen of China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe performs in Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 28, 2023. An acrobatic performance by China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe was shown to the public in Stuttgart of Germany on Thursday. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)

Acrobat Wang Mengchen of China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe performs in Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 28, 2023. An acrobatic performance by China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe was shown to the public in Stuttgart of Germany on Thursday. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)

Acrobat Wang Mengchen of China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe performs in Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 28, 2023. An acrobatic performance by China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe was shown to the public in Stuttgart of Germany on Thursday. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)

Acrobat Wang Mengchen of China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe performs in Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 28, 2023. An acrobatic performance by China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe was shown to the public in Stuttgart of Germany on Thursday. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)

Acrobat Wang Mengchen of China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe performs in Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 28, 2023. An acrobatic performance by China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe was shown to the public in Stuttgart of Germany on Thursday. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)

Acrobat Wang Mengchen of China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe performs in Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 28, 2023. An acrobatic performance by China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe was shown to the public in Stuttgart of Germany on Thursday. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)

Acrobat Wang Mengchen of China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe performs in Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 28, 2023. An acrobatic performance by China's Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe was shown to the public in Stuttgart of Germany on Thursday. (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)

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