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China's mega water diversion project benefits over 176 mln people

来源:International Identities news portal编辑:world时间:2024-06-03 21:52:21

The eastern and middle routes of China's South-to-North Water Diversion Project have benefited more than 176 million people, China South-to-North Water Diversion Co., Ltd. said Monday.

The project has transferred over 70 billion cubic meters of water to the drought-prone north via the eastern and middle routes, according to the company.

Metropolises like Beijing and Tianjin, have relied on the project as a major water source, said the company, adding that the project has improved the economic and social development space for more than 40 large and medium-sized cities.

The middle route of the project has replenished 10 billion cubic meters of water for ecological purposes over the past years and revived many rivers and lakes, it said.

The country's South-to-North Water Diversion Project has three routes. The middle route, which is the most prominent one, begins at the Danjiangkou Reservoir in central China's Hubei Province and runs through Henan and Hebei before reaching Beijing and Tianjin.

The eastern route has transferred water from east China's Jiangsu Province to areas such as Tianjin and Shandong. Meanwhile, planning is currently underway for the western route.

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